Friday, May 6, 2016

April Students of Character

Congratulations Students of Character - keep up the great work!

Annalise Aboody
Hanna Ball
Kate Bibeau
Eli Bingham
Avery Cox
Hannah Day
Tristan Day
Kathryn Dewey
Kendra Fanth
Alexis Francen
Yadira Gomez
Brayden Hedblum
Sydney Hutchens
Aaliyah Johnson
Leah Johnson
Emily Jones
Collin Krusemark
Calixto Larson
Cerise Metz
Luke Olson
Easton Parnetll
Chris Rigsby
Amelia Schmidt
Mark Seamon
Savannah Senholz
Leah Stomgren
Alex Thompson
Jovita Torgerson
Olivia Yaggy