Friday, November 13, 2015

Free Bikes 4 Kidz

Allina Health and Cambridge Medical Center are having a bike give-away event.  Bikes are available on a first come first serve basis.  If you have a child in need of a bike, please contact me by November 16 at 763-552-6311 or  I will need the following information for each child in need:  name, age, height, gender.

Go here for more information: Bikes 4 Kidz

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thank you to CMS Former Military Personnel

On this Veteran's Day, we would like to recognize the following CMS staff members that have served in the military.  Thank you for your service!

Tara Gann, Interventionist
Kevin Larson, Science Teacher

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

October Students of Character

Aaliyah Johnson
Cody Green
Molly Hennen
Alisha Ricahrdson
Christian Smith
Andrew Aljets
Jasmyn Neubauer
Sam Opgaard
Allie Larkin
Lacey Lambert
Brayden Petersen
Mackenzie Pruden
Skylar Eaton